Page 35 - พิธีพระราชทานปริญญาบัตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ ประจำปีการศึกษา ๒๕๖๒
P. 35


                                                                                                              (Professor  D

                   In  terms  of  international  corporate  relations,  Prof.  Dr.  Hwan-Seung  Jung  has  fostered  good
             relationship  between  organizations  in  the  Republic  of  Korea  and  Prince  of  Songkla  University,  for
             example,  creating  an  exchanged  research  and  academic  network  for  Korean  studies  in  Thailand,
             including  Korean  language  studies  at  secondary  schools  in  Thailand.

                   It is  evident  that  Professor  Dr.  Hwan-Seung  Jung,  has  played  a  significant  role  in  the  study,
             research,  and  the  dissemination  of  Korean  and  Thai  languages  and  cultures  both  in  Thailand  and  the
             Republic  of  Korea,  which  has  led  to  a  mutual  understanding  and  long-lasting  relationship  between
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             the  two  countries.  In  order  to  honor  Prof.  Dr.  Hwan-Seung  Jung,  the  Council  of  Prince  of  Songkla
             University  at  its  meeting  No.  415  (5/2020 )  on  18  July  2020  unanimously  passed  a  resolution
             approving  an  honorary  Doctor  of  Philosophy  degree  in  Korean  Language  to  Prof.  Dr.  Hwan-Seung
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