Page 39 - พิธีพระราชทานปริญญาบัตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ ประจำปีการศึกษา ๒๕๖๒
P. 39


                   In  recognition  of his  many  contributions  in  applying  his  knowledge  and  research  experience  in   1'!1~1A1-r~!.  #
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             biomedical  engineering  for  both  academic  and  healthcare  advancement,  and  to  honor  his  remarkable
                                                                                                            U\;!LiJU~httllri~i;:  ~~·
             dedication  to  his  work,  in  line  with  the  university's  guiding  motto  that  "Our  soul  is  for  the  benefit  of   '   ~
             mankind ", the  Council  of  Prince  of  Songkla  University  has  unanimously  agreed  to  award  an  Honorary
                                                                                                            'Psl1~~~U'Yi'YltJi.  ~
             Doctor  of  Philosophy  in  Biomedical  Engineering  to  Professor  Dr.  Jos  Vander  Slaten.
                                                                                                            17'11~  ISBD  sc~c s·
                                                                                                            -r~  u1Yia1ft~r..   .!
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