Page 34 - พิธีพระราชทานปริญญาบัตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ ประจำปีการศึกษา ๒๕๖๒
P. 34

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                                                                                           carried  out  without  receiving  a  compensation.
                                                                                           Thai  people  in  the  Republic  of  Koreain  the  matter  of  legal  and  medical  treatment,  these  have  been
                                                                                           He  is  also  a  person  with  volunteerism,  using  knowledge  of  Korean  and  Thai  languages  to  benefit
                                                                                           for  the  Prime  Minister  of  Thailand  and  the  President  of  the  Republic  of  Korea  on  severaloccasions.
                                                                                           in  building  good  relations  between  Thailand  and  the  Republic  of  Korea  by  working  as  an  interpreter
                                                                                      In  addition  to  working  as  an  academic,  Professor  Dr.  Hwan-Seung  Jung  plays  a  crucial  role

                                                                                           Korean  languages  and  cultures.
                                                                                           language  learners  in  Thailand,  including  research  and  academic  articles  on  the  comparison  of  Thai-
                                                                                           instance,  he  wrote  a  Korean-Thai  Dictionary  and  composed  several  books  and  textbooks  for  Korean
                                                                                           Professor  Dr.  Hwan-Seung  Jung  has  continued  to  play  a  seminal  role  in  Korean  language  studies,  for
                                                                                           Campus.  He  was  also  the  Dean  of  the  Faculty  of  Translation  and  Interpretation.  Apart  from  this,
                                                                                           university  administrator,  he  held  the  position  as  Head  of the  Department  of Thai  Language  at  Yongin
                                                                                           at  the  Department  of  Thai  Language,  Hankuk  University  of  Language  and  Foreign  Affairs.  As  a
                                                                                     Upon  returning  to  the  Republic  of  Korea,  Professor  Dr.  Hwan-Sueng  Jung  became  a  lecturer

                                                                                           was  considered  as  pioneering  the  study  of  Korean  language  in  Thailand.
                                                                                           textbooks  written  in  Thai.  In  addition,  he  wrote  a  dictionary  for  Korean  learners  in  Thailand,  which
                                                                                           conversation  books  and  Korean  grammar  books.  These  were  the  first  version  of  Korean  language
                                                                                           he  also  produced  a  large  number  of  academic  works  in  Korean  language  studies,  such  as,  Korean
                                                                                           Thailand  that  Korean  language  courses  were  offered  as  elective  courses.  While  working  as  a  lecturer,
                                                                                           and  Social  Sciences,  Prince  of  Songkla  Universityas  a  Korean  language  expert.  It  was  the  firsttime  in
                                                                                     During  the  year 1990-1995,  Professor Dr.Hwan-Seung  Jung served  in  the  Faculty of Humanities

                                                                                           graduated  with  a  Doctorate  in  Linguistics  from  Hankuk  University  of  Foreign  Studies,  Korea.
                                                                                           Prince  of  Songkla  University,  Pattani  Campus,  where  he  graduated  in  1993.In  the  year  2000,  he
                                                                                           Language  Studies  at  the  Department  of  Thai  Language,  Faculty  of  Humanities  and  Social  Sciences,
                                                                                           Hankuk  University  of  Foreign  Affairs  in  the  year  1989,  he  pursued  his  master's  degree  in  Thai
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                                                                                           completing  a  bachelor's  degree  in  Thai  Language  Studies  from  the  Department  of  Thai  Language,
                                                                                                             ~  ,
                                                                                     Professor  Dr.  Hwan-Sueng  Jung  was  born  on  July  15,  1958,  in  the  Republic  of  Korea.  After

                                                                                        Honorary Doctor of Philosophy  Degree  in  Korean  Language
                                                                                        Professor Dr.  Hwan-Sueng Jung

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