Page 33 - สูจิบัตรรับปริญญา 2564 (หมวดสูจิบัตร)
P. 33

Borovac, have been experienced by the participating lecturers and students of the
          program for six years until 2019. Nowadays, the concept of project-based learning
          is consistently applied in the teaching process of students in the Mechanical and
          Mechatronics Engineering programs.

               Therefore, in recognition of his outstanding expertise in the  fields of
          mechanical and mechatronics engineering in conjunction with the initiation of the
          new teaching approach that has improved the learning process of students and
          extended to the change of the teaching process in the courses of mechanical
          and mechatronics engineering,  the Council of Prince of Songkla University has
          unanimously agreed to award to Professor Dr. Branislav Borovac an Honorary
          Doctoral Degree in Mechanical Engineering.

          32   พธพระราชทานปรญญาบตร ประจําปการศกษา ๒๕๖๔
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