Page 115 - แม่ถ้วน หลีกภัย
P. 115

                                                                                                          Ul'll'I  ~
  . 1r  . Tuan Leekpai's role as  a canvasser                                                                unti1
   ampaign techniques adopted by her. As
 ifuan Leekpai herself, the researcher also

  a  number  of  Trang  residents  who  are                                   •
                                                      r-i11:i.1 rl 1 ff qJ ~rn::~:i.11tm\'Ji1 qJ'Ji11
  tives.  fellow  vendors,  customers  and
   printed  materials  were  collecte~  ~nd                  t'Um~m'Um1 t~tifli-:i'llm 1'Yl t1 1~t1 t~vn~ti cl1-:i ri-:im1 t~tifli-:im-11-Bfl
  e  tudies were presented using descnptive           fttn ~U'Yl'U1l'Ht)1  111\ol~U'U'U~fl  1.jflfl~~1l~'ll7~ tatl 1lJ1~ 1lJij ~'m!f1111tl

                                                      1~ ~1l-iii'l11fl~ U'U'U  ~-:ia1u1~';h 111\olt U'U'U~t1i111~ tlf17Vl'U~fl17:1-Hl711mt~fl
  w  that Mrs.  Tuan Leekpai played a vital
                                                      fl17:1.JJ:1.J mm l'Ufll'j !~flfli-:i  !~fl-:J117fl'tt1fl~U'U'U~fl N'lf1 tlm 1at1-:J'11.J1Jft'U'U
  r  for  her  son,  Mr.  Chuan  Leekpai,  and                                                   V                •
                                                      u~~ !U~ tl'U ! a ti-:] ffWlJ ft'U'U 1'11 !U'Ufl ~ U'U'U l'U1'U !~tifli-:i  111 fl~ U'U'U~-:J !U'U
        .    She first become a canvasser                                 •
   o   Pr  ovmce.
                                                      ~~,:j'l]fl,:j ~mrmfo !~tifli-:i l'Um~1J1'Ufl7'j'jt\J'j,:jf! !~flmfl~U'U'U 1at1-:i ~ !U'U
 fo:  her  son  and  her  wish  for  him  to  be
  presentative.  The  campaign  techniques            t'li'Uil !~fl-:J1)7fl'j~1J1J'Vfi'jfl fll'j !;jfl,:j'l] fl-:] 1'Yl ti  EJ,:j 1l-i'WWJ'U7 ~,:j'j~~lJ~ !U'U
  pai  included:  the  introduction  of _her  son     1~11fl:1.J1~'li'U 'W11flm11;jt1,:i ~-:iiifl11:1-1ft:1.J'W'UTI'Wfl t1fl11 Nft:Wfl1 1~ t1 mm~
  network;  encouranging her  acquamtance             ucl1-:iri-:it'U'li'U1J'Yl  N~-:Jfl~U'U'Utat1-:i !~flfli-:i  11~~,:jfl~!!'U'U L~tl  "tihm~n.!"
   .     ·nted  materials  such  as  leaflet  :
  utmg  pn                        .   .                 7flfl17  "tiitiflffi'iA"  ~~-:Jfl~U'U'U!at1-:icl1'UIV!fY  1lJiifl17:I.Jft:1.J'W'Ufif11J
  (J  items  from  her  stall;  participatmg  m                ,a   Q./    4   ,:=:!,   O   Q./   d  d   V   I   V   a.I
  =                           '        .                1w1m11:1-1t1-:i 1"11fl~ U'U'U1J-:J:1.Jfl11:1-1mfl ru~1-:i'Yl d'.Jm-1u1~mm~V111-:i ~a:1-1 fl1
  :peeches and  acting  as  her son s proxy  m
                                                        fl~ Nii~'YlTI~-:ifl~ u'U'U  1~:1-1i-:i uv1m1a~1-:im-wi:lfl'H ru~~'llfl-:i Nft:!Jfl'j  1u'U
                                                          V                                              V
                                                       ""1 flm-:iil1fl11:1-1~t1-:i m1urum'llt1-:iu1~'1i1'1i'U t'Ul1ti-:iri'U 1uutifl 1,h un Na:wfl1
 . ·pai's image as  a canvasser was  perceive1,;:                           u                                 V
                                                              I    ,a    ii   Q./   Q./   i/.c::S  .::::i.,   ..:::::.,   ~   Q.J   .:::!l   V
  other canvassers by people in general.  She           11-111:1-1'1!1 t1 m~timfl ~ft:1.Jfl1m t1-:i ~:I.Jft'Ylnflfl fl 1at1-:i  1"!1fl ~ U'U'i.111-:i t 'll7m
  on.  a community leader, nor a governme  .           •  n.!1~ U'Yl'U~11 U'Yl'U'W11fl  V11tim'lJ1-w11fl t'Ul1t1-:iri'Uticl1-:i t'Wu1~ t'Yll-1~1~1111
                                                                            .,   I
                                                               .a   Q,/     Q./   Q,/   !V
  arv housewife and uneducated vendor.                  -'il-lfl11!:I.Jfl-:J'WWJ'U7  U~~~-:J:I.J'UU~1
   ~ canvasser  came  from  her  love  for
                                                             1J'Yl1J7'Yl'llfl-:J'tt1fl~ U'U'U u ~~fl ~1fi ~'tt1fl ~ U'U'UtJ7:I.Jl l.;l'Um1m ! a tl-:J
  tionship  with  the  villagers  and  her  spe
                                                         ..  mflV!mtlU~flv17-:Jf1'U1u  u~1'Ul1\ol'U~'llfl-:Jfl'Uci1'UIV!tU  !~fl'W~~-:J'tt1
  ple  and  manage  her  work enabling  her  -                                                         u    V
                                                          \!tJ:Wfl1l~'Ufl ~,:j1Jflfl~~ !U'U  "'1!7 ti  u ~~ !U'UNiifl'Ylfi'W~  1"11fl !U'UNtJ7 l'U
  .  wisely.                                                          •                      V                V
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