Page 114 - แม่ถ้วน หลีกภัย
P. 114


                 This is a study of Mrs. Tuan Leekpai's role as  a canvasser

        for her son and the election campaign techniques adopted by her. As
        well as  interviewing Mrs. Tuan Leekpai herself, the researcher also
        observed  and  interviewed  a  number  of Trang  residents  who  are   •
        Mrs.  Tuan  Leekpai's  relatives,  fellow  vendors,  customers  and           Fl11~~hRqJU~~~~1'fJf)\'ji1qJV!1
        acquaintances.  Data  from  printed  materials  were  collected  and
                                                                                             'h.Jm~mum'H~eJn~-:i'IJeJ-:i lm.11
        collated and the results of the studies were presented using descriptive
                                                                                          iJ          Q./     a         •
                                                                                      amf;lU'Vl'Wj71'Jt]j  111r1~uuu1-rn  'l.Jflflo""
                 The findings  show  that Mrs.  Tuan Leekpai played a vital           1~ ~1llii'111r1~uuu ~-:ia1tl1~11 '111fl~u
        role  as  a  female  canvasser  for  her  son,  Mr.  Chuan  Leekpai,  and     r111:wii':w 1mn 1umj l~eJn~-:i  1rleJ-:i'illflITTfl:

        the Democrat Party in Trang Province. She first become a canvasser            ur1~1tl~t1'Ulilt1-:im!ua'4'Uln1U'Ufl~U'Ut1lu
        out  of her  appreciation  for  her  son  and  her  wish  for  him  to  be   ~vi-:i'IJeJ-:i~mrflj11Jt~elf)~,:j 1um~rnimn-
                                                                                         .,  '
        elected  as  a  political  representative.  The  campaign  techniques          I   .c::t  ,a            ,a
                                                                                      I 'll''U'U l'UeJ,:j'iJl flj~1J1J'Wjjfl fllj ll-JeJ,:j'fHl  1
        used  by  Mrs.  Tuan  Leekpai  included:  the  introduction  of her  son
                                                                                     '\Aljjflil'Jrl'll''U  '\Aljjflf11jl~el-:i  ~,:j"f117ll~U -
        to  the  public;  creating  a network;  encouranging  her  acquaintances
                                                                                     el87-:iri-:i1'U'15'U1J'Vl  ~'1,:jfl~U'U'Wlilt1-:i l~Ofl,
        to  vote  for  him;  distributing  printed  materials  such  as  leaflets;
        distributing  and  donating  items  from  her  stall;  participating  in     illflfl'Jl  "tatlfl't'f'i'iA"  ~"1-:ifl~U'U'Ul~

        social activities;  making speeches  and  acting as  her son's proxy in      '\Aljjflf11jl~eJ-:i M1r1~uuu~-:i" m1mh~ty
        the region.                                                                  ur1~~"fl'VlTir1-:ir1~uuu  i~:w~-:iu~m1ni
                 Mrs.  Tuan Leekpai's image as  a canvasser was  perceived           19i1 n m-:itl1 r111:w ~ eJ-:i f11jU qim'IJ eJ-:i1.h.,
        differently from that of other canvassers by people in general.  She         1-Jlf117:W'151 ti m~el'illfl Nal!fljiJl v-:i ~" a -
        is  not an influential person,  a community leader,  nor a government        O   Vet  '   Q./   "   a     "
                                                                                    'Vl7'11'Ul'Vl U'Vl'U\911 U'Vl'U'\Aljjfl  'ttj eJfll'illl 1~
        servant, merely an ordinary housewife and uneducated vendor.
                                                                                             ,a   Q./      :;~   11
                                                                                    '\Aljjflf17jtiJeJ,:j'W~'U7  Url~\91,:jiJ'UUr!1
                 Her  success  as  a  canvasser  came  from  her  love  for  her
        son,  her  consistent  relationship  with  the  villagers  and  her  special       1J'V11Jl'Vl'IJeJ,:j'l11fl~ U'U'UUrl~fl '1)6  .,:
        ability  to  deal  with  people  and  manage  her  work  enabling  her  to   i!u"11mn11mt1 U\9lfl~1-:inu 1tl  u\911u.f{~  ;,

        utilize political resources  wisely.                                         QJ    Q./   dl   dl   d  d
                                                                                    fl.,U'U'U:Wfl'il~'Uflfl,:j'l.Jflflrl'Vlltl'U  "'lfltl Uo:
   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119