Page 35 - พิธีพระราชทานปริญญาบัตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ (๒๕๕๖)
P. 35

animals  such  as  crabs,  shrimps  and  olher cruslacean,  and  Lhal  lhesc animals  can  be carriers

                     of lhe virus  in  shrimp  ponds.  furlhermore,  lhey verified  lhal lhe immunoslimulanls  such  as

                            bela-1,3-e)ucan  and  fucoidan  could  be  used  as  prophylacbcs  and  subsequenlly
                    applied  for  lhe prevenlion  of shrimp  diseases in  Thailand,  Japan  and  olher counlries.  The

                    efficacy of immunolimulanls have been hie)1ly reco&1ized and  assessed as  eff eclive preven-
                    lion ae,ainsl shrimp  diseases.  Therefore,  Thai  Marine &hrimp  farmers L\ssocialion  presenled
                    lhe  "Golden &hrimp  Award"  on  February  6,  1999 lo him.

                            Professor  Dr.  Toshiaki  !Lami  nol only  had  a  close  collaboralion  wilh  scienlisls  m

                    his  area  of experlise bul had  also  brollEfll loE,elher lhose  from  olher disciplines  lo slarl
                    workine,  in  cooperalion.  He  orE,anized  lhe e,roup  of researchers  from  Universily of Miyazaki
                    lo E}ve  a lrainine, course on molecular biolo8)' of planl cells.  lie inilialcd lhe summer course
       tflqi {111 U (il'i   lhal combines Japanese lane,u5E,e  and cullure wilh lhe laboralory lrainine, in  2007 and inviled
       tJ   r11iln1;'cfb   sludenls  from  diff erenl facullies  lo join in  wilh  Luilion  fee exemplions.  Thirty five  sludenls
                    from  diff erenl  disciplines  have  successfully  E,ained  knowlecie,e  and  experience  from  Lhe

                            The academic collaboralion between the Lwo inslilules has e,rown slrone,er over lime.

                    &ince  2011,  Professor Dr.  Toshiaki  !Lami  has  led Lhe  e,roup  of professors and  sludenls al
                    all  levels Lo join lhe annual P&U-UOM Joint &eminar in  Lhe  field of L\qualic &cience al facully
                    of Natural  Qesources,  Prince  of &onyla Universily.  In  2014,  he  sponsored leachine, staff

                    and  sludenls from  the Department of L\qualic  &cience  Lo  allend lhe Joinl &emmar  held  a
                    Lhe  University of Miyazaki.

                           In  2013,  Professor Dr.  Toshiaki  !Lam1  has  made  an  efforl lo extend  the  collabo-
                    ralion  Lo  cover  diverse  academic  disciplines  by or8anizine,  for  admmislralors  from  Prine

                    of &onyla University  Lo  meel  for  discussions  with  the  academic  staff from  the  facullies
                    medicine,  nursin8 and  enE,ineerine, al Lhe  University of Miyazaki.

                           In  reco8f1ilion  of his  academic  excellence,  his  conlnbulion  and  dedicalton  Lo
                    advancemenls and improvemenls of hie,her educalion beyond lhe field  of his experlise, an

                    Lo  honor  his  valuable  oulpuls,  lhe  Council  of Lhe  Prince  of &one,kltl  University  m lhe  35
                    .Yteelin8 (5/2014), held on  5 July 2014,  unanimously ae,reed Lo award Professor. Dr. Toshi
                    llam1  a royal  presenlalion  of Doctor of &oence  (L\qualic  0c1ence),  llonoris Caustl

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