Page 34 - พิธีพระราชทานปริญญาบัตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ (๒๕๕๖)
P. 34

• 'J  ~Amn.i11t.J1?                                    Citation for
    .,...- _ • , ~:;t.Ji:;LVJ\'1'~1'1  'J
                                                    Professor Dr.  Toshiaki  Itami
     'e!  l'lliLuVn:; 1ui17'jJ1
                                        Doctor of Science  (Aquatic Science), Honoris Causa
      -u"lt.Jmi11~1~1--1  'J

       ']~rfuu~  Univer-
         ~                            Professor Dr. Toshiaki  ltami  oblained his Bachelor and Masler's Deyee from  Kochi
   :0-iiul.fu  Tvimuvifu
                                  c~  1ly,  Japan.  Ile was  laler awarded  a Ph.D.  in  fl&'icullure  in  Lhe  specific  field  of fish
                                   olo&7  from  Kyolo  Universily,  Japan.  Mer yadualion,  he slarled his  academic  career

                                   onal  fisheries University,  Japan  in  1993.  In  2002,  he was  appointed Professor al lhe
                                      enl  of Marine  Biolo&  and  Environmenlal  6cience,  facully  of L\sricullure,  Universily
            H~11VlU7fU             razaki,  Japan  and  has  relained slalus since  lhen.
     ~  uiiumLt!u~1vfu
                                      Professor  Dr.  Toshiaki  Ilami  is  an  experl  in  aqualic  animal  immunolo&'  and  heallh,   wurl1:;11%r ,~
    :, ~n~mm:;v1umqiqi1                                                                                         U1fl!fl!lU~i
                                    cally  in  shrimp  defense  mechanisMs.   He  has  devoled his  lime  and  eff orls lo find   u
        11'1(1 m1tl1:;41u        =  :-e  causin8  88enls  and  prophylaxis  melhods  for  prevenlion  of disease.  In  1991,  he   1.,c( en,

         1'1(1111'1(\'1'1'1(1]1   eeded  in  developine,  shrimp  vaccine  8E,ainsl  Vibrio  penaeicida  which  was  lhe  major
                                   em  in  shrimp  cul lure  induslries  in  Japan.  He  foresaw  lhal lhe  defense  mechanism  of

                                  o  1s  lhe key lo combal diseases.  He  has  furlhered  his  research inlo molecular biolo&7
                                   ound  more  Lhan  80  8enes  rel a led lo lhe  shrimp  bio-def ense  syslem.  Usine,  lhese

                                 =.-.  he and his Learn are eslablishine, shrimp heallh evalualion syslem which will be beneficial
     'e!  mfui1--i~mu"11uvi1
     _ 1~ mrui1uui1uu 1if N        revenline, shrimp  disease  in  lhe  fulure.  In  parallel  wilh  lhe 8ene  hunline,,  he  has  also
                 '   ~
                                 eloped  h,e,hly sensilive virus  deleclion methods.

                                     Durine,  lhe lasl lwenly years,  Professor Dr.  Toshiaki  ltami  has  been invited Lo  E,ive

                                   es  and  presenlalions  on  aqualic  animal  health  and  remedialion  al  key  aquaculture
    _ ~  1  f m11--1Limt1ru
         ~          .,
                 ::;,,           - inty, and symposia naltonally and around Lhe e,lobe in countries such as Thailand, Indonesia,
     '  'iW1131'  i1HV1'1'i1H
                                  Philippines,  Panama,  The  Uniled 6Lales of i\merica,  Iran,  Turkey,  i\uslralia and  Myanmar.
       t 1Km'1'--1~mu"11uvi1
       i'lJJ1"1H \l'lVJGini1~        for inlemalional collaboralion, Professor Dr. Toshiaki llami has worked m parlnersh,p
                                   J.Cully  members  of Lhe  Deparlmenl  of i\qualic 6cience,  faculty  of Natural  Qesources,
                                   e  of 6of18kla  U01vers1Ly  for  over  a  lone,  period  of Lime.  He  slarled  a  cooperative
                                 ~ rch  wilh  i\ssociale  Professor  Dr.  Kidchakan  6upamallaya  in  1991  and  Lhey  firsUv
                                  _,,cred while spol syndrome virus  (W66V),  a severe disease causm8 fl8Cnl  in  shnm~

                                 994.  fhey demonslrat.ed Lhal  WMV can  inf eel a very wide variely of species of fie.;   -

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