Page 46 - รายงานประจำปี ๒๕๕๕ ศูนย์องค์รวมเพื่อการศึกษาและบำบัดโรคมะเร็ง คณะแพทยศาสตร์
P. 46

รายงานประจ�าปี 2555

                               INCREASE OF PATIENTS’ MEDICATION  KNOWLEDGE  BY

                Atittaya Yeela , Apinya Prisutkul , Maliwan Sukuntapan , Nannapat Pruphetkaew , Patrapim Sunpaweravong 1
                1 Holistic Center for Cancer Study and Care (HOCC-PSU), Division of Medical Oncology,
                2 Division of Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand;
                Introduction :   Patients  with  cancer  may  have  chemotherapy  and  other  medications  to  palliate
                symptoms  or  co-morbidities.  Medication  reconciliation,  comparing  pre-existing  medication  to  the
                current one, is a notable step to improve quality of care. Moreover, adding intensive counseling may
                increase efficiency of anticancer and co-morbidities therapy.
                Materials and method :    This  research  aimed  primarily  to  compare  medical  knowledge  pre-  and
                post- medication reconciliation with or without intensive counseling. Other objectives were to determine
                incidence and severity of medication error, response, and survival of patients.
                Result :   One hundred and twenty-two patients gave their consent and completed the study process.
                Sixty-two patients were assigned to the intervention group and sixty patients to the control. In the control,
                no differences of pre- and post- test medication knowledge scores were observed. In the intervention,
                mean medication knowledge scores of the post-test were significantly higher than the pre-test (shown
                in table 1). Medication error events regarding dose omission and improper dose, however, were equal
                to  50%  in  the  control  group  whereas  33.33%  and  66.67%,  respectively,  in  the  intervention  group.
                Differential blood pressure in same patients between visit 1 and visit 2 (control vs intervention group)
                were shown in Table 2. A tendency of overall survival improvement were shown in figure 1. Effects on
                response of anticancer were shown in figure 2.
                Conclusion :   Medication  reconciliation  with  intensive  counseling  to  outpatient  oncologic  patients
                improved  their  medication  knowledge  significantly  and  revealed  a  promising  tendency  of  overall
                survival  improvement.  This  intervention  should  be  considered  to  be  implemented  into  a  standard
                oncology care to improve the treatment outcome and encourage patient safety environment.
                Table 1 : Medication knowledge scores in control and intervention group in visit 1 and visit 2
                                                       Control group     Intervention group
                             Mean (+S.D.)                 (n=60)              (n=62)           P-value
                 - pre-test medication knowledge
                   scores (Visit 1)                     5.73 (+ 1.24)       5.87 (+ 1.19)       0.4482
                 - post- test medication knowledge
                   scores (Visit 1)                     5.70 (+ 1.24)       7.28 (+ 0.70)      < 0.001*
                 - post- test medication knowledge
                   scores (Visit 2)                     5.71 (+ 1.25)       6.44 (+ 1.35)      < 0.001*
                Table 2 : Differential blood pressure in control and intervention group in visit 1 and visit 2
                                              Control group (n=36)   Intervention group (n=31)
                       Blood pressure                                                           p-value
                                               Median (max, min)       Median (max, min)
                 - Systolic BP (Visit 1 – Visit 2)  -8.5 (-57, 36)        -10 (-50, 15)         0.955
                 - Diastolic BP (Visit 1 – Visit 2)  -4 (-22, 40)          -3 (-27, 15)         0.981

                Figure 1 :                                    Figure 2 :
                A tendency of                                 Response rate
                overall survival                              of anticancer
                were observed
                in all patients
                with a 3-month
                and 6-month

            หมายเหตุ น�าเสนอผลงานในรูปแบบโปสเตอร์ในการประชุมวิชาการนานาชาติ The 7 Princess Chulabhorn International
            Science Congress “Cancer: From Basic Research to Cure” ระหว่างวันที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน 2555- 3 ธันวาคม 2555

            โดย ภญ. อาทิตยา ยีละ
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