If you do not return library items within due date, late charges will be assessed per item per day or hour. And you will be charged for being lost library materials.


Overdue fines


Provide an acceptable replacement item

Replacement fee


3 baht/item/day (not over 4,000 baht/item)

Processing fee 70 baht

Real cost of item + processing fee 300 baht/item

Movie CD

10 baht/item/hour


Real cost of item + processing fee 100 baht/item


50 baht/item/hour


Real cost of item + processing fee 100 baht/item

Study room key

10 baht/item/hour


Real cost of item + processing fee 100 baht/item

Other equipment such as earphones batteries

10 baht/item/hour


Real cost of item + processing fee 100 baht/item




You are responsible for late charges whether or not you receive a due date slip or overdue notices.



  1. Borrowing privileges


Materials (Items)

Periods (Days)

1.       Lecturer



2.       Graduate student



3.       Bachelor degree student/supporting staff



4.       Outsider member




  1. Returning items

You can return items to the following locations:

  • Circulation counter in the Library.
  • Book drop Box on the 1st floor of LRC building.


E-mail notification and LINE notification will be send 1 day before an item’s due date.


  1. Renewing items

Most materials may be renew forth times (If no one else has request for the item) :

-Online from OPAC

- At Circulation Counter

- By calling (074) 28-2350-1 during our open hours

Borrow technology & equipment

Borrowing policy: 3 hours lending period or shortened to close hours and 10 baht per hours for late return.  Take a look at what’s available below!


Tablets: Ipad and Ipad mini

Available: circulation service, 3rd floor


Available: circulation service, 3rd floor and 6th floor

Cords & Chargers

Available: circulation service, 3rd floor


Available: circulation service, 3rd floor

Power strips

Available: circulation service, 3rd floor and 6th floor

Power Bank

Available: circulation service, 3rd floor


Khunying Long Athakravisunthorn Learning Resources Center, Prince of Songkla University
Khohong Hatyai Songkhla 90110
Tel(+66)7428-2352 , Fax.(+66)7428-2398 @2025

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