Interlibrary Loan Service (ILL) is a service whereby a user can borrow books and/or receive photocopies of documents that are owned by another library.


How to apply

  1. Check from OPAC/ E-Resources for being sure that there is no required book or document in Khunying Long Atthakravisunthorn Learning Resources Center.


  1. Check information resources from the following and choose the lending library.


  1. EDS One Search
  2. Union Catalog of Thailand
  3. OPAC of other Universities
  4. ThaiLIS Digital Collection (Thai Theses)
  5. Journal Link


  1. Fill in ILL form and submit.
  1. There is a charge as follow. Payment should be made after user submit a form.


Service charge

Postage charge


Maximum 100 bath / book (Depend on a policy of lending library)

Real price (EMS service)


2 bath/page for 100 pages

Real price (EMS service)

1 bath/page for next page


5 bath/pages

No charge


  1. Wait for the library staff contact and receive the document at the library.


Khunying Long Athakravisunthorn Learning Resources Center, Prince of Songkla University
Khohong Hatyai Songkhla 90110
Tel(+66)7428-2352 , Fax.(+66)7428-2398 @2025

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