Page 246 - แม่ถ้วน หลีกภัย
P. 246

)utlook                                                      "I am illiterate.  I  have  no  education.  That's  why  I  have  to
                                                       earn a living from selling at the market," she declared.
  Post Section Three                                          "When they told me it was time to  rest, I just answered that

 U'T  talks  about life  as  a  mae kah                if they really  wanted me to  live a long life,  then they shouldn't try
                                                       to stop me. And they did stop trying. They knew too well I would not
 ermsuk  Kasitipradit  in  Trang                       listen anyway,"  she said ~ith a laugh,  showing her happiness with

 !  or a politician's influence could make             life and work.
 gi\-e  up  her active  life  as  a  mae  kah  in            Born and brought up  in  Trang, granny Tuan said her child-
                                                       hood dream was to be a nurse or a doctor so that she could help the
 1ing.  the  granny  gets  up  to  prepare  her
 1ar -et in  Trang, just as  she always has.                 Her mother, however, was sick at the time. Among her eight
                                                      brothers and sisters, she was the only who did not go school because
  i. tent pleas of her eight children-one of
                                                       she was asked to  stay at home and take care of her mother.
 1  Leekpai-to stop and enjoy the fruits  of
                                                             "I  was  practically  heart-broken,"  she  recalled.  "I  was
 he  has invested for her children.
                                                      speechless.  I  had  to  swallow  back  my  tears.  You  see,  I  really
 to give up their ideas. I told them I would
                                                      wanted to go to school, to have an education. I wanted to be a nurse
 1  order from  heaven,"  the  old lady  said
                                                      so that I could help  people. I cried. But I had to hide the tears from
                                                      my grandfather."
 1 i  clearly proud of her good health. But
                                                             Her life  took a sharp turn  at  18 when  she met her husband
 .rnrmth  and  kindness.  A  faint  smile  of
                                                      Niyom  Leekpai,  who  was  then  a  teacher  in  Trang.  She  said  she
 ,ible  on  her  gentle  face.  And  when  she
                                                      resisted his proposals for four years before she finally  agreed to  be
  herself as  mae,  or mother.
                                                      his  wife.
 :  loving  kindness  deceive  you;  she  is
                                                             "The first  time  he  asked  me,  I  said  a  firm  no.  I  explained
 en it comes to work.
                                                      that  I  did  not  want  to  go  through  with  it  because  I  did  not
  her children have  yielded  so  far  to  her
                                                      have  any  education  at  all.  He  was  very  persistent,  though.  He
 t:- in  the market gives her an active social
                                                      said  I  would  make  a  good  housewife.  But  I  still  said  no,"  she
  \\ ith her friends customers. It is  this,  she
 both mentally and physically.
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