Page 261 - พิธีพระราชทานปริญญาบัตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ (๒๕๕๖)
P. 261

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                                       1tl Lb uu m 1~v1 mTv1-r'l"l t11m Lm1\,m ~B f111VlB-.'.l b ~ t11 b ~-.'.l bfl~(,11~ t-.'.l ~'W
                                       1 'WeJ1b.f1€l'li1-.'.lflm-.'.l  ~-.'.l'\ll1vl'Wf111"1~TI11:lfi1'1J
                                        Model of Agricultural Resources Management for Sustainable
                                       Agro-tourism  in  Changklang  District,  Nakhon  Si  Thammarat

                                                                                                             "lie.I  - 'U1:Uflm'I
                  OCV      CVQ..1-dl                                                                                   •
                  'i'l11Pl'U  2  'i'Vliq'l.mlifnli1  5010630010
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    tlwni'Jm1ii1rn,1                   ~Vlmru f1€l-.'.l'Vl'W~1'WtJ1-.'.l 1 'W~-.'.l'\ll1vl~-.'.l'Um
      kicf'cl\,                                   '
                                       Managing  the  Rubber  Replanting  Aid  Fund  Cooperatives:  an
                                       Appropriate Model for Songkhla  Province
                                                                                                            ~hiu  3 -aimi'rF
                  ii1&1'U  3  'i'l¥iqunPinli1  5110630011
                           .                                                                                ,'ie.1  - tn:uana
                  ~e.1  - 'l.11:uana   mt11l'1J~  '<il-.'.l~-.'.lb'<i!u
                  ~'el~ 'VI milw u fi   tl1~~'Vl5.f11'1"l'Vl7-.'.l bl"11~~n'<il Lrn~ fl11mY'W fl-.'.l'Vl1-.'.l61-.'.l fll-l'UB-.'.l1~'U'U n11v\',,   ~'el1'Vltl1UW'k!fi
                                       1,frfo~ijm1tl~n~'1J 1 'W~l'W tJ7-.'.l'UB-.'.l bfl~(,11m11 tJ cJBtJm(,11\ll
                                       The  Economic  Effciency  and  Social  Security  of Smallholder
                                       Farming  System  Which  Practices  Associate  Crops  in  Rubber
                                       Plots in  Southern Thailand

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                 'i'l11Pl'U  4  'iV1iqunPinli1  5310630009                                                  d
                           .                                                                                "lie.I  - tn:uana
                  ~e.1  - tn:uana      mt1tl11'1Jru 'V1'V!t11nu'Wv'i
                  ~ 'el1 'Vl mil w u fi   m11 bfl11~~tl1~ ~'Vlfim'l"l b ~-.'.l bl"11~~n'<il'UB-.'.l m1e-.i~ (,1,J1~inl1ii''W 1'Wrl1 bile::   ~'el1'Vltl1UW'Ufi
                                       B11~n  ~-.'.lV!1v1m~u
                                       Economic  Efficiency  of  Oil  Palm  Production  in  Aolue
                                       District, Krabi Province

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