Page 283 - พิธีพระราชทานปริญญาบัตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ ประจำปีการศึกษา ๒๕๖๒
P. 283

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                  Relationship  of  Socie-economic  Variables  with  Violence  Incidents  and  Agricutural  Resource
                  Management  in  the  Three  Southern  Border  Provinces  of  Thailand                         5

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                  Screening  of  Oil  Palm  Varieties  Resistant  Against  the  Leaf  Spot  Disease  Caused  by  Curvularia
            2     Mrs.  Shams Shaila Islam
                  Assess  Yield  Stability  of  Upland  rice  by  AMMI  and  Using  DSSAT  for  Study  Effect  of  Heat
                  Stress  on  Yield  and  Other  Characters  of  Upland  Rice                                         tl1n  ;-
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                  Characterization  of  Some  Properties  of Lactobacillus  isolated  from  human  saliva  to  be  Probiotic   Bio-:ris
                  Strains  for  Oral  Health
            2     Mrs.  Zheng  Guan
                  Biological  property  of  novel  chitosan  scaffold  on  osteogenesis  differenttiation  of  dental  pulp
                  stem  cells  in  vitro  and  in  vivo  studies                                                      Pre. a e
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            1     Mrs.  Ida Maryati
                  Cervical  Cancer  Preventive  Practice  Among  Sundanese  Women  at  Risk:  An  Ethnonursing
            2     Mrs.  Nur Setiawati  Dewi
                  The  Lived  Experiences  of the  Javanese  Muslim  Parents  in  Nurturing  the  Well-being  of Talented
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                  The  Effects  of  Nurse-Led  Thai  Traditional  Play  Program  on  Social  Communication  and  Social
                  Interaction  Skills  of  Children  with  Autism  Spectrum  Disorder
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