Page 71 - คู่มือปฏิบัติงานกิจกรรมดัชนีวารสาร
P. 71


                   Asia (Continued)                                Asia (Continued)

                   bt     Bhutan                                   pp     Papua New Guinea
                   bx     Brunei                                   pf     Paracel Islands

                   br     Burma                                    ph     Philippines

                   cb     Cambodia                                 qa     Qatar

                   cc     China                                    su     Saudi Arabia

                   ch     China (Republic : 1949-)                 si     Singapore
                   cy     Cyprus                                   xp     Spratly Island

                   em     East Timor                               ce     Sri Lanka

                   gs     Georgia (Republic)                       sy     Syria

                   gz     Gaza Strip                               ta     Tajikistan

                   ii     India                                    th     Thailand
                   io     Indonesia                                tu     Turkey

                   ir     Iran                                     tk     Turkmenistan

                   iq     Iraq                                     ts     United Arab Emirates
                   iy     Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone           uz     Uzbekistan

                   is     Israel                                   vm     Vietnam

                   ja     Japan                                    wj     West Bank of the Jordan River

                   jo     Jordan                                   ye     Yemen

                   kz     Kazakhstan
                   kn     Korea (North)                            Atlantic Ocean

                   ko     Korea (South)                            bm     Bermuda Islands

                   ku     Kuwait                                   bv     Bouvet Island

                   kg     Kyrgyzstan                               cv     Cape Verde

                   ls     Laos                                     fa     Faroe Islands
                   le     Lebanon                                  fk     Falkland Islands

                   my     Malaysia                                 xj     Saint Helena

                   mp     Mongolia                                 xs     South Georgia and the South Sandwich
                   np     Nepal                                           Islands

                   mk     Oman

                   pk     Pakistan
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